There's so many things I love about my children and being their mom, so I wanted to highlight a few in this post.
1) Mikey's kisses.
Every day when I dropped Mikey off for school last year, he would step out of the car and then turn around and blow me a kiss, then wait for me to blow him one and catch it on his cheek. Then he'd walk a few paces, turn around again, and blow and catch one more time. Two kisses. Each morning, without fail. It melted my heart each time, and I'll really miss that when he starts riding the bus to Kindergarten in a couple weeks!
2) Spencer the Robot.
Spencer played a Robot in his class play last year. He gave a stunning performance--not a line spoken, but his movements were so convincing!
3) Bike riding with my boys.
During the summer, I love to take the boys on bike rides (translation: I get my exercise by running, while they ride furiously ahead of me). We've explored lots of trails and routes this summer. One of our favorite "running" routes is to a fun park and back (with some bonus exercise playing at the park).
4) Popsicles.
Since we live on a hill (a "Monster Hill", if you ask my kids!), we usually have a big surge at the end of each bike ride, so the boys have learned that if they make it to the top of the hill (by any means--riding, walking, limping--it doesn't have to be pretty), they'll get a popsicle. It's their reward for exercising with Mom. (Trevor's just a free-loader in the jogging stroller, but he gets a popsicle anyway since he's so darn cute.)
5) Trevor's Ice Cream Face.
Did I mention that he loves ice cream? And we sure love his messy ice cream face, so it's a win-win situation for all of us! (Notice how he eats from the top AND bottom of the cone...that's the secret to a truly messy ice-cream face!)

6) Camping with Trevor.
Actually, this is the exact opposite of my "favorite thing", as any parent of a one-and-a-half-year-old could guess. But I guess he was still pretty fun, even if it was at the expense of getting a good night's sleep. Here he is, having a hey day in the tent at bedtime:
(p.s. We did have a fun trip, other wise--Jaron tried his hand at fly fishing, we cooked s'mores, and we even did a little midwest rock climbing!)