Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to US!

Such a fun time of year, when Jaron and I get to celebrate our birthdays together!! (Sept 6, 7).   He had the whole weekend off, including Memorial Day, so we really lived it up!  On Saturday, Jaron took Spencer and Mikey to the Iowa Hawkeye football game, and Trevor and I did some serious shopping at a nearby outlet mall (talk about DREAM birthday for me--lots of stores...very few kids!)  I have to insert here that Spencer, Mikey and Trevor are SO lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy.  For a variety of reasons, but last Saturday illustrated just one.  Jaron had been on call Friday night, got basically no sleep, and then spent the whole day Saturday with his boys at the football game and playing afterward.  Despite working a lot, Jaron has so much fun with his children and really makes it a priority to make meaningful memories with them.  I love him for it!
On Sunday we had a nice peaceful Sabbath, some not-so-peaceful Blockus-playing, and a delicious ice-cream cake.
On Monday, since Jaron had the day off, we decided to explore a rock climbing site here in Iowa, about an hour from our house.  Who would've thunk that there'd be climbing in Iowa??  But there was, and it was actually good climbing, and the boys and I had lots of fun!  We went with our friends who have 3 boys too, so there were always enough adult hands to help belay or hold a baby or play with bigger boys.  Everyone got a couple chances to climb (except the babies), and Spencer was thrilled to make it to the top of this wall!  We were all so proud (Jaron especially!).  

Here's Jaron belay-ing Spencer at the start of the climb:

This is the entire wall that Spencer climbed.  Of course it's a lot bigger when you're on it!

Classic Mikey expression, after finishing his turn climbing / Tarzan swinging:

Happy Birthday to the love of my life!  You are truly an amazing man--kind, unselfish, sensitive to others, fun, witty, crazy, intelligent, sweet, honest, and oh-so-handsome! (Doesn't he look great for 30??!!)


Jaimie said...

Happy Birthday you two!!! You guys are so cute together. Love that last picture. Did you get a haircut Em? It looks so cute. I cannot believe Spencer climbed that. That is so amazing. I'm so proud of him. That pic of Jaron belay-ing Spence is so awesome. You two are such a great couple. Love you.

Merideth Sullivan said...

Happy Birthday guys!! We love you both so much!

Emily said...

Yup, got a few hairs cut. Not sure how I like it yet. thanks for noticing :-)