Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spencer's Quotables

I was at church today with the boys (Jaron was working), and had an experience with Spencer I just had to report.  
It was during the Sacrament, and I noticed that Spencer was drawing in his notepad.  In an effort to help him feel the purpose of, and reverence for the Sacrament, I leaned over and whispered, "Spencer, isn't it so wonderful that we get to think about Jesus during the sacrament?"  To which this all-wise 6-year old responded, "Yea, yea mom...I already know to think about Jesus so I don't have to think about it anymore!"  
Strike one.
I tried to recover as I looked around the chapel, noticed the 12-year-old deacons passing the sacrament, and asked Spence, "Hey buddy, do you think you'd like to pass the sacrament someday?"  He looked up at me and whispered, "No way!"  I was a little taken back, "Well, why not Honey?"  "Because then I'd be the last one to get the bread!"
Strike two.
"Well Spencer, would you rather be the Bishop?  He always gets the sacrament first."  This one made him think for a moment, and then he said, "Nope.  Not that.  I wouldn't want to sit in front of everybody."
Strike three.
And with that, the sacrament was over.  Spence went back to drawing his rocket ship, and I was left wishing Jaron was there to share the special moment with me ;-).


Merideth Sullivan said...

That is so funny. I can't wait until Owen is old enough to say funny things. In my post I was talking about American Idol.

Jaimie said...

That is hilarious. Thanks for posting it... it gave me a great laugh.

Ruth said...

That's cute! Don't worry...they don't usually mean everything they say...usually...