Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hunting in the city

We set a "small game trap" the other day, and Mikey was the first to find the big catch. Emily is terrified of 20 gram quadrupeds dead or alive, so she didn't even look to see if we had caught anything. I was just waking up, and Mikey ran into the other room with the stealth of a rugby player to check for any wild animals. He shouted out with pride: "Wook mommy, I found a mouse... (a short pause as he ponders), I need to cuddow it (the big brawny guys always have a soft heart)." Emily squealed, and I popped out of bed and ran in with a smile knowing partially what was happening. Spencer and Mikey were in awe because it was the first one they had seen. They were hunched down with their fingers pointing at it, eyeing it down to the tip of its long grey trophy length tail - 134 mm! Mikey confided in me, "I wuv mice daddy." We are going to have it stuffed and mounted so the boys can keep it in their room (don't tell Emily).


Jaimie said...

Ok! That is one of the funniest posts I've ever read! I was laughing out loud.

Jenna said...

That story is hilarious. I can just picture the boys looking at it and Mikey saying the things that he said. I wish I could have seen it. I'm super excited that you have a blog now. I hope all is well. Love ya!

Jennifer said...

I'm hesitant to offer, but my husband could help with the skinning and stuffing of the mouse...honest! It would be clean, too!