Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bring Your Family to School Night

Spencer's school hosted a "Bring your family to school" night, showcasing each grade's accomplishments in art, singing and P.E.  We're so proud of Spencer for being such a good Kindergarten student!  I couldn't resist sharing this video clip of the Kindergarten singing.  Spencer is in the back row (he was excited that he was tall enough!), and he's definitely a cutie, but if you want the "America's Funniest" version, check out the kid down one row and to the right of him (our right).  I crack up every time I see it!

During the P.E. time, the Kindergarteners showed their parents some activities they do with water noodles (like playing tag and sword-fighting).  Mikey was DYING to get in on it--he hated just watching from the side.  He'd scoot closer and closer away from the sidelines and toward the action.  An astute P.E. assistant noticed this little brother and invited him to join the older kids, handing him his very own noodle!  Mikey was ecstatic!